The Origin of Lia Electric

The founder of Lia Electric always wanted to start, build, and grow his own business. His biggest challenge was deciding what type of business to start. During his youth, he was lost and didn't know what he wanted. Luckily for him, his mother was a Project Manager for the City of Toronto, with a background in architecture.

Being able to see and work with all the different trades, she was able to determine and suggest which one would be best suited for her "lost" son.

Nine years later, Lia Electric was born, a company named after his mother, Angie(lia) while also using some of her favorite colours for the logo. Lia Electric is a company that brings comfort, reliability and safety to every client, just as his mother brought to him.

Meet Our Founder

In 2013, the owner began working as an apprentice at a large electrical company. As he quickly learned and excelled within the company, he eventually got promoted to Senior Foreman. From new construction high rises to Alberta’s oil sands to suburban homes, his experience has made him into the electrician he is today.

Having completed all the necessary classes and tests to obtain his Red Seal and Master Electrician license, he became a Licensed Electrical Contractor (LEC) through the Electrical Contractor Registration Agency in conjunction with the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). He then started his own electrical contracting company, Lia Electric!